Friday, December 17, 2010

Indian-Style Squash Soup with Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

Tonight's Jack Bishop soup has a guest star: fresh-baked Anadama bread by ME! More on that later. Let's talk soup.

Another out of the ballpark hit. This soup requires a few different steps to make, but it's all very easy. The soup on its own is delicious, but I love the spiced pumpkin seeds that you sprinkle on top. They are just delicious, and I love the crunch that they add to the soup. They're also yummy to snack on sans soup.

And now, my bread. A certain conservative political blogger friend recommended to me the book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice. I had tried to make bread from a different cookbook, and the flavors were not there. So, I read this highly scientific book and followed the recipe for Anadama bread (combo of polenta and bread flour plus some light molasses, salt, water, yeast, and a little butter). This bread is a two day event. Sadly, I messed up Step Two this morning, and I think that's why the bread didn't rise all the way. BUT, it tastes amazing. Bread baking is an art and a science, but with only a little knowledge I was able to make delicious bread even after messing it up!

As you might have guessed, I'm giving the soup the full 5 stars. It's just fabulous. Tommie will be eating well when he gets off his plane tonight.

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