Monday, January 24, 2011

Butternut Squash Soup with Chipotle Chiles and Garlic

Holy heat, Batman! The last time I made this soup, I found it to be beyond my comfortable heat threshold. I thought perhaps that I had added more chipotle chiles than were called for in the recipe, so tonight I made certain that I stuck to the measurements exactly.

Well, it wasn't me. The recipe calls for two teaspoons of minced chiles plus an additional teaspoon of adobo sauce. For me, it's WAY too hot.

The sweetened croutons help to offset the heat, and the flavors are fantastic, but for me, this has just too much heat. Tommie has had a lousy day today, so this will at least cheer him up -- the hotter the better for him.

I'm giving this soup 3 stars. Tommie's going to definitely disagree with me on that -- he's gonna love it. I'm making a note to remind myself to try it with only one teaspoon of the chiles next time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find some more tissues and some water. Ouch!

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